So many professions make a community special - heroes who are called upon to make a positive impact. When we think about the helpers around us, we think of those who sacrifice for others regularly (even daily).
As a mortgage lender, much of our day is spent analyzing market trends, underwriting guidelines, and working hard to get clients into the homes of their dreams. Do you know what we’re not doing? We do not run into burning buildings without hesitation or heading to the scene of an accident with the task of potentially saving a life. Nor are we patrolling our streets to keep others safe or standing in front of a classroom full of young students helping them to discover the potential inside themselves.
Paramedics and First Responders.
Law Enforcement.
They are the heroes in our communities. And we can support them like never before. The HELPER Act (H.R. 3172) is how we can do that. If passed, The HELPER Act (H.R. 3172) will create a new mortgage loan program backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). It would provide an option for no down payment and no monthly mortgage insurance. This new mortgage loan program results in greater access, opportunity, and incredible savings for those who have earned it.
One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is the down payment for some who pursue the dream of homeownership. Bond and other Down Payment Assistance initiatives have attempted to address this over the years. Still, the programs tend to be needlessly restrictive. They often have higher interest rates and have increased program fees to provide a down payment.
By supporting this legislation, mortgage lenders can provide a better option to down payment assistance for our police, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and Teachers. In addition to serving these community members, it may attract others to these noble career paths.
We invite you to voice your support by contacting your local Congressional representative and encouraging them to support H.R. 3172 when it comes before the floor. This bipartisan legislation is worthy of its intended beneficiaries and is worth our efforts.
To contact your local Congressman or Congresswoman, visit
If you would like to learn more about this initiative, please consult the following resources:

James Duncan is the Director of Education & Engagement for Thrive Mortgage and has contributed to numerous published works and industry discussion panels. As a former high school teacher, mentoring and coaching is his biggest passion. Whether it is leading the Marketing Department at Thrive or working individually with clients to help them make better educated decisions, James has a tremendous passion for moving the industry forward.